Languages for questions: English
English with High Relevance in Aviation
English is the standard language for international aviation and therefore fundamentally important to master. It’s no wonder that an essential part of pilot screenings is the English language test. It is therefore important that you are fluent and eloquent in English.
With this product, you get the ultimate set to boost your English skills in an interactive, motivating and targeted way. Test your fluency, grammar and tenses. Prepare for ICAO/EASA Language Proficiency with our product.
Product Scope
Our product includes interactive components (app) and accompanying learning material in the form of eBooks:
- eBook for grammar and language
- eBook for tenses
- Interactive app
English Grammar and Language
Learn the English language and its – sometimes not quite trivial – grammar with the following training units:
- Adjectives and Adverbs
- If-Clauses
- Direct Speech & Reported Speech
- Auxiliary Verbs
- Question Tags
- Gerund, Expression -ing and Infinitive
- Let vs. Have Something Done
- Prepositions
- Proverbs
- Synonyms
English Tenses
With the help of the accompanying learning materials, in which you will find a timeline, overviews and examples, you can practise the following training units with our interactive Easyflight Training App:
- Present Simple
- Present Simple Continuous/Progressive
- Past Simple
- Past Simple Continuous/Progressive
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Continuous/Progressive
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Continuous/Progressive
- Future I
- Future I Continuous/Progressive
- Future II
- Future II Continuous/Progressive
Additionally, a timeline is a part of this product to show you an overview of when to use which tense.
Advantages with the Easyflight Training App
English – Grammar, Language and Tenses is provided as interactive learning content through our Easyflight Training App.
Leevi (verified owner) –
The exercises are very well
alexia (verified owner) –
Die Software ist perfekt um seine Englisch Skills wieder etwas aufzufrischen. In den Ebooks werden die wichtigsten Themen kurz und verständlich erklärt. Besonders gut finde ich die Möglichkeit nur bestimmte Themen zu üben, so kann man sich auf seine Schwächen konzentrieren und besonders schwierige Fragen markieren und so immer wieder wiederholen
Emanuele (verified owner) –
Everything is working good, it’s really nice how the e-book is helping out for rising the level up and being ready for sustaining the exam.
Julia (verified owner) –
Sehr hilfreiche und gut strukturierte Software um sich auf den DLR-Test vorzurbereiten. Besonders gefällt mir der “smart learning mode” um Defizite besonders zu trainieren.
Devin (verified owner) –
Super Möglichkeit, um sich auf den DLR-Test vorzubereiten. Der Fragenpool ist sehr breit und es gibt ausführliche Skripts zu Grammatik und vielem mehr. Was mir am meisten gefällt, ist die Liste zu den Idomen/Redewendungen. Diese ist trotz meiner vorhandenen Englischkenntnisse sehr hilfreich.
Jasmin (verified owner) –
I really like the website to study for the DLR-test and I am sure it will help me a lot
Felix (verified owner) –
it is nice. some miskates are there as well
Easyflight Training –
Hi Felix, feel free to contact us if in doubt and report the task conveniently in the app. We process all feedback and look forward to hearing from you.
Julius (verified owner) –
I like that the programm has many different offers to train in detail. So in every situation on your way to become a pilot there is a helpfull learning programm.
Phil 10 (verified owner) –
The amount of different tasks
elias (verified owner) –
very good app; best preparation!
SierraBravo21 (verified owner) –
Die Englisch App ist nur empfehlenswert! Abgesehen vom DLR Test habe ich zwischendrin noch einen anderen Englischtest geschrieben und mit der Übung bestanden! Daher mache ich mir für den DLR Test auch keine Sorgen mehr.
Mika (verified owner) –
I like the software, however there are several spelling mistakes in some questions.
Lucas (verified owner) –
Very good opportunity to prepare for the ENS part of the DLR test with a large number of questions. One tiny point of criticism is perhaps that no English phrases are included.
Aaliyah (verified owner) –
Easy and short summary of gammar rules. Since you can not answer everything right, the AI is perfect for explaining the right answer. Very helpful to prepare for the DLR!
Björn Kellermann (verified owner) –
Bought “English Grammar and Tenses” for refreshing and enhancing my english skills for assessements.
Content is very well structured, understandable and to the point.
A lot of examples and tips guarantee effective learning.
Customer service is top!